Okay..here we go. I took the plunge and over the cliff I go. The artistic free falling cliff into renewed inspiration and direction with my paintings. I signed up with Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.
303 artists and counting will be painting like crazy to bring in the year.
At the moment I will focus on sheep, chickens and big birds with a few horses thrown in. The sheep and chickens are mostly from my old flock. Pepper, Gateway Teasel, Cicely Wigs and Sweetie Pie, the ex-resident sheep from our old farm. I still miss them, miss the farm with all its smells and sounds and the warmth of large furry animal bodies against my own. Nothing in the world so peaceful and fulfilling to the soul as watching and listening to content animals consume their daily hay, snow falling in a white world. You can't take the farm girl out of me. I miss it, I will always miss the small pleasures of a life with animals. Lots of joys and sorrows. The birthings, as tense as it got at times, but thankfully were always fruitful. You don't every forget helping a mare foal, a sheep lamb or a goat kid. Nothing in the world is as wet as that slippery sac encased foal, fresh from sliding out of it mother's womb. Tearing the sac open, who would have thought that sac would be so strong, so firm and so tenuous to life. I miss those days, my paintings take me back, into the barn and into the world that I fit so clearly, so deeply into to.
Back to the paintings, I'll be bringing back the barn in my work this month and see where it leads me. Here's the start. This is Cicely Wigs..what a great name for a sheep. I wonder if it would work for a cat? Here's my Wigs with her long bouncey fleece, so chocolate in color and such a wimp she was.