I've been working as show chair for the upcoming equine art exhibit "The Horse in Art" at the Seippel Center for the Arts. The exhibit will run from April 17 through June 5, 2011 with receptions on April 17 and May 1. The show will be featuring equine photographer Polly Knoll. Invites have been sent out to selected artists. This is starting to shape up as a very nice show. We will have artists from across the US making the show a top notch collection of horse art.
I am trying to spend more time in the studio, I have 4 paintings in process. This winter has been long, snowy and cold. Time for spring and a bit a sunshine. It seems to have been a very cloudy winter. The last few days are blue skies but subzero temps. Only 39 more days until spring, there is hope.
Baby Blue
2 days ago